DRBHICOM Group is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct, integrity and accountability in all its business activities and operations. DRB-HICOM has a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of bribery and corruption by its employees or any persons or companies acting for or on behalf of DRB-HICOM Group. The Policy reflects DRB-HICOM’s commitment to fight any corrupt and unethical practices while conducting business in the jurisdictions where DRB-HICOM operates, by:

(i)   providing, practicing and maintaining a working environment free from bribery and corrupt practices for all employees and stakeholders;
(ii)  complying with all anti-bribery and anti-corruption related laws, acts, rules and regulations, procedures and other instructions;(iii) providing an avenue and to encourage all employees and stakeholders to report on bribery and corrupt practices as stipulated in the Whistleblowing Policy; and
(iv) imposing the appropriate action to any party proven to be guilty of being involved in bribery and corrupt practices.

The Board of Directors and the Management are committed to implement and enforce effective and robust policies and procedures to prevent, monitor and eliminate bribery and corrupt practices. An Integrity Unit is established with the responsibility to oversee the implementation of the Policy, with direct access to the Board of Directors and Management on issues concerning bribery and corruption.

Board Charter

Terms of Reference

    >  Board Audit Committee

    >  Board Nomination and Remuneration Committee

    >  Board Risk and Sustainability Committee

Code of Ethics and Business Practice

Constitution of DRB-HICOM

Fit and Proper Policy

Corporate Governance Reports

    >  2018

    >  2019

    >  FPE 31 Dec 2019

    >  FYE 31 Dec 2020

    >  FYE 31 Dec 2021

    >  FYE 31 Dec 2022

    >  FYE 31 Dec 2023